Friday Flush, Issue 3

Hey, did you all make it through Frankenstorm?  I’ve been chillaxin’ on hurrication on the Upper West Side and couldn’t believe the pictures of Sandy’s work in other areas, like lower Manhattan and Haiti.  It’s a bummer that it didn’t wash out all the rats from the city along with everything else.

They say this might be the beginning of ratpocalypse, with the storm driving underground rats up to spread infectious disease.  Should I be worried?  Check out the Huffington Post video below for the deets.

Staff writer/model Ken® has appeared in the short, Hawaiian Vacation (2011), and numerous other features, making his first appearance in the 60′s.  He has been named (the boyfriend of) one of the most influential cultural icons of the century and is a true renaissance man, with skills ranging from leading safaris in the wild to shaving without gel in the concrete jungle.  Ken® currently resides in Manhattan but vacations frequently at his dream house in Malibu.